Sigiriya: The Mount of Remembrance
"Long ago and far away rises Mount Mu, nowhere -- now here!"
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Dominic Sansoni
© gallery of Sigiriya photos.
"Sigiriya: The Magic Mountain" by Manik Sandrasagra
"Sigiriya and its Significance" book review
"Sigiriya Ladies: Who were they, why were they painted?"
Sigiriya: Palace in the sky or Mahayana Mandala?
Sigiriya: Who are these maidens and what is their message?
Sigiriya: Cultural Asset or Disneyland?
"Sigiriya paintings and graffiti: What KNO Dharmadasa should know"
The story of Kasyapa according to Ananda-Sthavira
The Sacred Secrets of Sigiriya: Mysteries of the Sigiriya Rock
"Sigiriya: Dancing for Dollars?" by Manik Sandrasagra
"Archaeological Department, Central Cultural Fund and the Law"
"Curtains for Sigiriya Rock Concert"
"Dispute brewing over 'Sigiriya Evening Walk'"
"A Concept for the Royal Complex at Sigiriya" by Ashley de Vos
"The Sigiriya Rock Show"
"Selling culture - the Sigiriya issue"
'Sigiriya Walk' controversy takes new turn
Editorial: "Stop the gang rape of Sigiriya"
Sigiriya and Its Significance
by Raja de Silva
"The Story of Sigiriya" by Nadhira Lawrence
Links to other sites about Sigiriya
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